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A part of RWBY's world-building is a magical element known as dust. Dust is used in several different ways throughout the show. One of these uses is as ammunition. I used this as inspiration for one of Ruby's core mechanics. 

In the mod, we gave Ruby has the ability to switch between two different dust types: Gravity & Fire. Gravity dust traps 

A part of RWBY's world-building is a magical element known as dust. Dust is used in several different ways throughout the show. One of these uses is as ammunition. I used this as inspiration for one of Ruby's core mechanics. 

In the mod, we gave Ruby has the ability to switch between two different dust types: Gravity & Fire. Gravity dust traps 

A part of RWBY's world-building is a magical element known as dust. Dust is used in several different ways throughout the show. One of these uses is as ammunition. I used this as inspiration for one of Ruby's core mechanics. 

In the mod, we gave Ruby has the ability to switch between two different dust types: Gravity & Fire. Gravity dust traps 

Bringing RWBY to Rivals of Aether

Dev Info

Role: Lead Developer

Software Used: Aseprite, Game Maker, Premiere Pro, Photoshop

Duration: September 2021-March 2023 

This is a fan project- RWBY is a property of Rooster Teeth Productions, LLC.

Game Info

Genre: Platform Fighter

Platform: Steam Workshop 

Project Status: Released (Post-Launch Updates planned)

My Goals with this Project

  • Accurately Portray this character in a Platform Fighter

  • Improve my skills and understanding of Art/Programming

    • This will also help me practice my skills with a variety of different programs, including Aseprite, Game Maker Studio, etc. ​

  • Gain experience in the process of designing an established character in another medium

  • Practice my time management, production, and planning skills on a solo project

Character Design Process

When I entertained the idea of starting this project, I immediately knew some of the references I wanted to include. Others took a bit of consideration, as well as switching around. 

To keep track of her growing move list, I've used this PowerPoint as an organization tool. Like Ruby, it's a work in progress as well. 

Moveset Design

Ruby cycling through her dust mechanic


From RWBY (Red Trailer)

Our Interpretation in Rivals of Aether

Dust System

A part of RWBY's world-building is a magical element known as dust. Dust is used in several different ways throughout the show. One of these uses is as ammunition. I used this as inspiration for one of Ruby's core mechanics. 

In the mod, we gave Ruby has the ability to switch between two different dust types: Gravity & Fire. Gravity dust is usually better for combos and movement, while fire dust hits harder and is better for taking stocks. 

Jab Attack

The Red Trailer acts as an introduction to Ruby; naturally, there's quite a bit of moveset material I've considered adopting from this trailer. One of which is this 3 hit combo. 

I did consider other moves for her jab, but I ultimately decided to use this one thanks to its showcase of some key aspects of Ruby's fighting style: 

  • Spinning with her scythe 

  • Exaggerated Acrobatic movements 

  • Firing the Scythe at the end of the combo (It's also a gun)

Her Jab attack also intereacts with her Dust System. The Gravity version of Jab3 sends her backwards, while the fire version hits harder. 

Developer Updates

In tandem with development, I've been releasing updates for Ruby on my Youtube Channel. I've been using this as a chance to:

  • Document the development process

  • Receive feedback on animation and moveset design

  • Showcase my work 

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